Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes: Hello readers, we wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving 2024. In this post, we are sharing Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for friends and family free to use. In this post we are sharing some of the best Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids, and Thanksgiving jokes.

Thanksgiving 2024 is a holiday that brings family, friends, and feasting together in celebration. Along with the turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving also invites moments of laughter. Sharing Thanksgiving 2024 jokes can lighten the atmosphere, make people smile, and create memorable moments. Here’s an article on Thanksgiving 2024 jokes, filled with humor, trivia, and some light-hearted content to enjoy over the holiday feast.

Thanksgiving Day 2024 can also be celebrated with funny moments and jokes. Here on this day rather than celebrating a sentimental touch funny celebrations can also be made. The entire family will be waiting for you in the roundtable and it is the right time to thank everyone for the great Thanksgiving dinner.

A bonding relationship will be created during the time of situations created so this is a wonderful moment to thank your family with your gratitude. During this time you can even make funny jokes for enjoyment which will make you relax and forget all the worries.

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes will also welcome humorous nature and enjoy the nature of home family. Sharing messages and greetings you can also share Thanksgiving 2024 jokes between people. There are tons and tons of jokes and riddles available on the internet resources, and you can choose the best one for your situation.

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes: Thanksgiving is known for its heartwarming traditions, from gathering around the dinner table to recount what you’re grateful for, to enjoying a feast of delicious foods. But why not add some humor to the mix?

Whether you’re looking to break the ice with relatives, entertain the kids, or simply spread some joy, Thanksgiving jokes are perfect for the occasion. From turkey puns to family funnies, here’s a curated collection of jokes to share at your 2024 Thanksgiving celebration.

The greatest collections are available You can choose the best Thanksgiving 2024 jokes that will perfectly apply to your situation it may be of any type. During the time of Thanksgiving Day expressing your gratitude will be a heartfelt moment for the person who receives it. There may be multiple numbers of people you have met in the past years.

They might have helped you in many situations and sometimes they would be a person you will always be in your tight situations. You should never forget those people who have helped you during the time of situations you are in difficult times. It is the perfect time to talk to those people and express your gratitude towards them in a heartfelt moment.

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Section 1: Turkey Jokes

What’s Thanksgiving 2024 without a few turkey jokes? These goofy gobbles are guaranteed to get some smiles, maybe even a belly laugh after that big meal. Turkey is, after all, the star of the show, so let’s kick things off with some turkey humor.

1. Why did the turkey play the drums in the band?
Because it already had drumsticks!

2. What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
Wing, wing, wing!

3. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a ghost?
A poultry-geist!

4. Why did the turkey sit on the pumpkin pie?
Because it wanted to gobble it up!

5. Why don’t turkeys make good baseball players?
Because they always hit fowl balls!

The kids are sure to enjoy these playful puns about our favorite feathered friend. The real challenge? Keeping a straight face while you deliver these zingers!

Section 2: Pilgrim Puns

The pilgrims who celebrated the first Thanksgiving were serious people, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun at their expense. These Pilgrim jokes will remind everyone of the historic origins of the holiday while adding a modern twist of humor.

1. Why did the Pilgrims sail to America?
Because they missed their plane!

2. What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
Plymouth Rock!

3. How did the Pilgrims bring their cows to America?
On the Mooooo-flower!

4. What’s the difference between a Pilgrim and a feather?
A feather can go “lightly” but a Pilgrim takes things way too “seriously!”

5. What do you call a Pilgrim who’s always telling jokes?
A corn-y one!

These Pilgrim puns offer a fresh way to talk about the historical side of Thanksgiving while keeping the mood light and cheerful.

Section 3: Corny Jokes for Thanksgiving

Speaking of corny, Thanksgiving has plenty of opportunities to slip in a few corny jokes. With all the food and fun, a dash of cornball humor can make the day even better.

1. Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?
It had 24 carrots!

2. What do you call a running turkey?
Fast food!

3. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field!

4. What’s the best way to stuff a turkey?
Serve him lots of pizza and ice cream!

5. What did the corn say to the mashed potatoes during dinner?
You butter believe it’s going to be a-maize-ing!

These jokes are perfect for sharing at the dinner table. Just be careful—someone might laugh so hard they snort their cranberry sauce!

Section 4: Family-Friendly Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Thanksgiving is all about family, so it’s only fitting to have some family-centric humor. These jokes are designed to make everyone from grandma to the youngest cousin chuckle.

1. Why did the turkey bring a microphone to dinner?
Because it wanted to be heard!

2. What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?
If your father could see you now, he’d be turning over in his gravy!

3. What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
The turkey trot!

4. What did one cranberry say to the other at Thanksgiving dinner?
Stop getting saucy!

5. Why don’t you ever tell secrets around the mashed potatoes?
Because they’re always getting whipped!

Family-friendly jokes are a great way to involve everyone in the fun, making sure there’s something for every age group to laugh at.

Section 5: Thanksgiving 2024 Dinner Jokes

Food is the centerpiece of Thanksgiving, so naturally, there are plenty of jokes that play on all the deliciousness of the holiday feast. These jokes will keep the conversation light as everyone digs into their meal.

1. What key won’t open any doors?
A tur-key!

2. What did the sweet potato say to the pumpkin pie?
I yam what I yam!

3. Why didn’t the cook season the turkey?
Because there wasn’t enough thyme!

4. What role do green beans play in Thanksgiving dinner?
The side dish!

5. What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
Peach gobbler!

This mix of food and fun is the perfect way to keep the Thanksgiving spirit alive, with a healthy side of laughter.

Section 6: Thanksgiving 2024 Trivia with a Twist

Thanksgiving isn’t just a time for jokes—it’s also a chance to reflect on the history and meaning behind the holiday. But why not add a humorous spin to your Thanksgiving trivia with some fun facts and witty one-liners?

  • Fun Fact #1: The first Thanksgiving feast was celebrated in 1621 and lasted three days.
    Joke: I can barely last three minutes without asking for seconds!
  • Fun Fact #2: Turkeys can run up to 20 miles per hour.
    Joke: They run faster when they know it’s Thanksgiving!
  • Fun Fact #3: Cranberries bounce when they’re ripe.
    Joke: And if you bounce enough of them, you get a cranberry trampoline!

These Thanksgiving fun facts, paired with a joke, can be a fun way to add some light trivia to your family gathering. It’s both educational and entertaining!

Section 7: Thanksgiving 2024 Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock-knock jokes never go out of style, especially on Thanksgiving. These are perfect for sharing with kids or for sneaking into a toast.

1. Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Arthur who?
Arthur any leftovers?

2. Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Tamara who?
Tamara we’ll have more turkey!

3. Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Wanda who?
Wanda gobble ‘til you wobble?

4. Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Harry who?
Harry up, the turkey’s getting cold!

5. Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce give thanks for this delicious meal!

Knock-knock jokes are an easy way to bring a burst of humor to any part of the holiday celebration. They’re short, sweet, and always good for a chuckle.

Section 8: Thanksgiving 2024 Riddles

Want to challenge your guests with a bit more thought-provoking humor? Thanksgiving riddles offer a playful way to keep people guessing while also bringing some laughs. Try these out:

1. What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
Your nose!

2. What’s the difference between a turkey and a chicken?
About 15 pounds and a big Thanksgiving meal!

3. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

4. Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
Because it uses fowl language!

5. What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
The letter G!

These riddles are fun brain teasers that can keep people entertained while the food is cooking or during a post-dinner break.

Section 9: Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes One-Liners

One-liners are quick, punchy jokes that deliver a fast laugh. Here are some Thanksgiving-themed one-liners that you can sprinkle throughout the day.

1. Thanksgiving: Bringing out the best in family dysfunction since 1621.

2. Leftovers are for quitters.

3. You know it’s Thanksgiving when you accidentally set your scales back 10 pounds.

4. I’m in a serious relationship with mashed potatoes.

**5. I only have pies for you!

Thanksgiving one-liners are perfect for inserting a little humor into casual conversations or when someone needs a quick laugh between bites of turkey.

Section 10: Crafting Your Own Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Feeling inspired to make your own Thanksgiving jokes? Here are a few tips to help you create personalized humor:

  • Find a theme: Pick a Thanksgiving-related topic, like turkeys, stuffing, or family gatherings.
  • Add a twist: Play with puns or surprising answers.
  • Keep it light: Thanksgiving humor should be friendly and appropriate for all ages.
  • Practice delivery: Timing is key to delivering a great joke, so keep your audience in mind and practice your punchlines.

For example, you could take something like the traditional pumpkin pie and add a humorous twist:
“Why did the pumpkin pie go to therapy? Because it had too many crust issues!”

American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes: Here when you show your gratitude towards that person they will be very grateful to you and the love you express towards them will be a heartfelt moment for the situation. Thanksgiving Day celebration is celebrated in the countries of Canada and the USA. It is a big celebration and also it has been declared a national holiday.

During this day the people celebrate traditionally the preparing plenty of traditional foods which will be a reunion of the family members. It is one of the greatest celebrations where even kids and elderly people happily celebrate with fun and joyful moments. Here are 50+ American Thanksgiving 2024 jokes, perfect for sharing with family and friends during the holiday.

American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes Turkey Jokes

  1. Why did the turkey cross the road?
    To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  2. Why don’t turkeys ever tell secrets?
    Because they always gobble them up!
  3. What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
    Wing, wing, wing!
  4. Why did the turkey bring a microphone to dinner?
    Because it wanted to give a fowl performance!
  5. What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
    Peach gobbler!
  6. Why was the turkey the drummer in the band?
    Because it already had the drumsticks!
  7. Why do turkeys hate Thanksgiving?
    Because they’re always the main course!
  8. What did the turkey say to the computer?
    Google, google, google!
  9. What did the turkey say to the ham at Thanksgiving dinner?
    Don’t look now, but we’re about to get roasted!
  10. How do turkeys dance?
    They do the turkey trot!

Pilgrim and History Jokes

  1. Why did the Pilgrims’ pants always fall down?
    Because they wore their belt buckles on their hats!
  2. Why did the Pilgrims sail to America?
    Because they couldn’t fly!
  3. What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
    Plymouth Rock!
  4. How did the Pilgrims keep their pants up?
    With Plymouth Rock suspenders!
  5. Why didn’t the Pilgrims tell jokes at Thanksgiving?
    Because they were afraid they’d get stuffed!
  6. Why were the Pilgrims’ ships so cheap?
    Because they came with a sail!
  7. What did the Pilgrim call his friends after the feast?
  8. What do Pilgrims and turkeys have in common?
    They both love to get stuffed!
  9. What do you get when you cross a Pilgrim with a vegetable?
    A Mayflower Sprout!
  10. Why did the Pilgrim bake a cake?
    To commemorate the sweet success of Thanksgiving!

American Thanksgiving 2024 Family and Feast Jokes

  1. Why did the Thanksgiving table break?
    Because everyone was stuffing themselves!
  2. Why did the cranberries turn red?
    Because they saw the turkey dressing!
  3. What do you call a family that skips Thanksgiving?
    A bunch of turkey trotters!
  4. Why didn’t the turkey eat dinner?
    It was already stuffed!
  5. What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
    The mashed potato!
  6. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a dessert?
    Peach gobbler!
  7. What did the sweet potato say to the pie?
    I yam what I yam!
  8. Why do we eat turkey at Thanksgiving?
    Because chicken and ducks are too chicken to show up!
  9. Why did the turkey go to the gym?
    To work on its pecs!
  10. Why do people love Thanksgiving leftovers?
    Because they don’t want the feast to end!

American Thanksgiving 2024 Corny and Food Puns

  1. What did the stuffing say to the turkey?
    I’m all in!
  2. Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?
    It had 24 carrots!
  3. What do you get when you cross a turkey with corn?
    A corn-ucopia!
  4. What did the corn say to the cranberry sauce?
    You’re saucy, but I’m a-maize-ing!
  5. Why don’t you take corn to Thanksgiving dinner?
    Because it’s already stalked!
  6. What’s a vegetable’s favorite holiday?
    Thanksgiving—because they all get roasted!
  7. What kind of key can’t open doors?
    A turkey!
  8. Why did the farmer bring a bucket to Thanksgiving dinner?
    Because he wanted to catch the gravy train!
  9. Why did the potatoes argue?
    They couldn’t see eye to eye—they were mashed!
  10. What does a polite turkey say?
    Thank you very much!

Thanksgiving 2024 Knock-Knock Jokes

  1. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Wanda who?
    Wanda wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
  2. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Lettuce who?
    Lettuce give thanks for this meal!
  3. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Harry who?
    Harry up, the turkey’s getting cold!
  4. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Arthur who?
    Arthur any leftovers?
  5. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Tamara who?
    Tamara we’ll eat more turkey!

Thanksgiving 2024 Riddles

  1. What smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner?
    Your nose!
  2. Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
    Because they use fowl language!
  3. Why don’t you ever tell secrets around Thanksgiving food?
    Because the potatoes will spill the beans!
  4. If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring?
  5. What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
    The letter G!

Random Thanksgiving 2024 Fun

  1. Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
    To prove he wasn’t chicken!
  2. Why did the pumpkin pie go to school?
    Because it wanted to be a smart tart!
  3. What do you call a turkey running a marathon?
    Fast food!
  4. What do you get when you cross a turkey with a computer?
    A bird that logs on!
  5. Why was the Thanksgiving bread so tough?
    Because it was hard roll-ing!

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids: During this wonderful moment, many people plan for Thanksgiving Day parties in which they prepare delicious food and we’ll have dinner with their dearest ones. At this moment they find time to share their past and present situations with their family members.

To celebrate this thankful day there are many reasons to express love and happiness on this wonderful holiday celebration. You should never forget to thank the special people in your life it is one of the best and perfect times to thank each person who has been with you always in your life. To celebrate this holiday Thanksgiving Day 2024 with fun, joy, sweet memories, and a great memorable moment of the year.

Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids

Turkey Jokes for Kids

  1. Why did the turkey cross the road?
    To prove it wasn’t chicken!
  2. Why don’t turkeys ever play soccer?
    Because they’re afraid of getting the stuffing knocked out of them!
  3. What do turkeys like to do on sunny days?
    Have peck-nics!
  4. What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
    Wing, wing, wing!
  5. Why was the turkey late to dinner?
    Because it couldn’t stop running!
  6. What did the turkey say to the computer?
    Google, google, google!
  7. Why don’t turkeys eat on Thanksgiving?
    Because they’re already stuffed!
  8. Why did the turkey bring a microphone to the dinner table?
    Because it wanted to be heard!
  9. What do you call a running turkey?
    Fast food!
  10. Why did the turkey join the band?
    Because it had drumsticks!

Pilgrim Jokes for Kids

  1. Why did the Pilgrims sail to America?
    Because they missed their plane!
  2. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to at Thanksgiving?
    Plymouth Rock!
  3. Why were the Pilgrims’ pants always falling down?
    Because they wore their belt buckles on their hats!
  4. How did the Pilgrims bring their cows to America?
    On the Mooooo-flower!
  5. What do Pilgrims eat on the playground?
    Plymouth rocks!
  6. What do you call a Pilgrim’s favorite dance?
    The mashed potato!
  7. Why did the Pilgrim go to the bakery?
    To get some “May-flour!”
  8. What did the Pilgrim say when he discovered corn?
    This is a-maize-ing!
  9. What did the Pilgrim name his dog?
    Pilgrim Paws!
  10. Why didn’t the Pilgrim play cards?
    Because he was afraid of being “dealt” with!

Thanksgiving 2024 Food Jokes for Kids

  1. What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert?
    Peach gobbler!
  2. What did the sweet potato say to the pumpkin pie?
    I yam what I yam!
  3. Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?
    Because it had 24 carrots!
  4. Why didn’t the turkey finish its dinner?
    Because it was already stuffed!
  5. Why do cranberries turn red?
    Because they saw the turkey dressing!
  6. What side dish tells the best jokes?
    Corn, because it’s always so corny!
  7. What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
    Your teeth!
  8. Why was the mashed potato so excited?
    Because it was “butter” than ever!
  9. What do you call a turkey that loves to eat?
    A gobble-gobble!
  10. Why did the stuffing win an award?
    Because it was so full of itself!

Knock-Knock Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids

  1. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Tamara who?
    Tamara we’ll eat more turkey!
  2. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Arthur who?
    Arthur any leftovers?
  3. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Wanda who?
    Wanda wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
  4. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Lettuce who?
    Lettuce give thanks for this delicious meal!
  5. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Harry who?
    Harry up, the turkey’s getting cold!
  6. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Alaska who?
    Alaska my mom if I can have seconds!
  7. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Olive who?
    Olive my Thanksgiving dinner!
  8. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Emma who?
    Emma thankful for this meal!
  9. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Butter who?
    Butter let me in—I’m hungry!
  10. Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Gravy who?
    Gravy a little more time—I’m almost done eating!

Thanksgiving 2024 Riddles for Kids

  1. What smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner?
    Your nose!
  2. What key can’t open any doors?
    A tur-key!
  3. Why can’t you take a turkey to church?
    Because they use fowl language!
  4. What did the turkey say to the mashed potatoes?
    Stop being so mashed!
  5. Why didn’t the turkey go to school?
    Because it was already stuffed!
  6. Why did the cranberries turn red?
    Because they saw the turkey dressing!
  7. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
  8. What do you call a turkey on the day after Thanksgiving?
  9. What’s always at the end of Thanksgiving?
    The letter G!
  10. Why did the turkey sit in the sun?
    To roast!

Bonus Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids

  1. What’s the best thing about Thanksgiving for vampires?
    Gravy—it’s in their blood!
  2. What do you call a turkey after Thanksgiving?
  3. What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite kind of pie?
    Any kind, as long as it’s with thanks!
  4. What did the pie say to the fork?
    You want a piece of me?
  5. Why was the turkey invited to the comedy club?
    Because it was a real ham!

Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Messages About Food

  • “I’m thankful for elastic waistbands and stretchy pants this Thanksgiving!”
  • “Stuffed with love, turkey, and way too much pie— Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving: The only day you can eat leftovers before they’re leftovers!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “May your turkey be juicy, your potatoes be smooth, and your pants be stretchy!”
  • “I’m just here for the pie and awkward family conversations!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Let’s give thanks for the things that matter: pie, gravy, and more pie.” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving: Bringing families together over a shared love of food and naps.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “If you didn’t eat until you’re stuffed, did you even Thanksgiving?” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Turkey: The bird that gives and gives… until it’s gone.” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Time to eat like there’s no tomorrow—because tomorrow is just leftovers.”

Family and Gathering Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of food, family, and awkward political conversations!”
  • “May your Thanksgiving be filled with family drama, undercooked turkey, and hilarious memories!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for mashed potatoes that don’t argue at the dinner table!”
  • “Let’s all be thankful for the crazy relatives who make us appreciate our own sanity!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s eat, drink, and awkwardly pretend we’re not texting under the table.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving: When you finally learn what your relatives have been up to all year!”
  • “Thanksgiving: Where the conversation is as full as our plates.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Nothing says ‘family’ like passive-aggressive comments over mashed potatoes.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Here’s to a Thanksgiving where no one talks politics—unless it’s about pie!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “May your turkey be plump, your gravy thick, and your conversations… short!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!

Turkey Humor Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “Turkey is the only bird that can turn a feast into a nap—Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Why did the turkey cross the road? Probably because it heard about Thanksgiving!”
  • “Turkey and stuffing: A love story that ends every November!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! May your turkey be tender and your naps long!”
  • “Here’s to a Thanksgiving where the only thing ‘stuffed’ is the turkey!”
  • “If turkeys could talk, Thanksgiving would be very awkward.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Forget the bird—this holiday is all about the sides!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “A turkey is a funny bird, it can’t fly, and it’s often absurd—Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!!”
  • “On this Thanksgiving, I’d like to give thanks that I’m not a turkey!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “You know it’s Thanksgiving when your favorite bird is roasted, not tweeted!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!

Thanksgiving 2024 Messages for Friends

  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s eat until we’re thankful… and then eat some more!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s celebrate the season by giving thanks for food, friends, and an early bedtime!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “I’m thankful for friends like you… and for the pie I’m about to eat.” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Here’s to good friends, good food, and no regrets—Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “I’m grateful for so much this year, but mostly for the fact that you tolerate me!”
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! May your plate be full and your Wi-Fi strong!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with laughter, food, and no need for pants with buttons!”
  • “Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for all the little things… like not having to cook this year!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Friends like you make Thanksgiving even more filling!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for friends who let me crash their dinner parties!” Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!

Thanksgiving 2024 Messages for Social Media

  • “Calories don’t count on Thanksgiving, right? #Blessed #Stuffed”
  • “Grateful, thankful, and full of pie! #Thanksgiving2024” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Here’s to awkward family photos and even more awkward family conversations. #HappyThanksgiving” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Turkey, naps, and leftovers—living my best life! #Thankful” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Eat, drink, and wear stretchy pants. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! #FeastMode”
  • “May your turkey be moist, your stuffing tasty, and your awkward family moments short. #Thanksgiving2024” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Pie before the main course? Don’t mind if I do! #ThanksgivingGoals” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “If Thanksgiving was a workout, I’d have the abs of a turkey! #Stuffed”
  • “I came. I saw. I conquered… the mashed potatoes. #Thankful” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “On this Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for food, football, and my phone to avoid family arguments. #ThankfulForWiFi” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!

Gravy and Pie Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “Gravy: The one thing that brings everything together at Thanksgiving!”
  • “I’m just here for the gravy… and maybe the pie.” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “There’s always room for pie! American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “When life gives you lemons, make pie. Wait, that’s not right… but pie’s always the answer!”
  • “Let the gravy pour and the pie reign supreme— American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “May your Thanksgiving be sweet, just like the pie you’re about to eat!”
  • “If there’s no pie, I’m not showing up. #ThanksgivingTruth” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Gravy makes everything better—even awkward family dinners!”
  • “The only thing better than pie on Thanksgiving is pie for breakfast the next day.”
  • “I’m thankful for pie. That’s it. Just pie.” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!

Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages About Leftovers

  • “Leftovers: The gift that keeps on giving—American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving leftovers are just turkey’s way of saying, ‘I’ll see you tomorrow.’”
  • “Thanksgiving is over, but my fridge is still stuffed—literally!”
  • “Leftovers are the real MVP of Thanksgiving!” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Let’s be thankful for the leftovers that keep the feast going all weekend!”
  • “The best part of Thanksgiving? The leftovers marathon that follows!”
  • “May your leftover game be strong this Thanksgiving!” American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes!
  • “Who’s ready for Thanksgiving leftovers? Answer: Me!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “I think my fridge is more thankful for Thanksgiving than I am!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “I’m grateful for leftovers because reheating is so much easier than cooking.”

Funny Gratitude Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “Thankful for food, naps, and no Black Friday lines—Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!!”
  • “This year, I’m thankful for food delivery and stretchy pants!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “I’m thankful for the turkey that sacrificed its life for this nap I’m about to take.”
  • “I’m thankful for friends, family, and dessert first!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful for the people who won’t judge me for having three servings of pie.” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Thankful for the gift of food, family, and online shopping discounts!”
  • “I’m thankful for a quiet house after all the family has gone home!”
  • “Thankful for gravy and all its magical powers!”
  • “I’m thankful for wine. And pie. Mostly pie.” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Grateful for the feast, but mostly for the dessert table— Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!!”

Football and Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “May your Thanksgiving be filled with touchdowns and turkey!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Thanksgiving: The only day where you can eat all day and watch football without guilt!”
  • “Football, food, and family—Thanksgiving is a touchdown!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Nothing says Thanksgiving like turkey and touchdowns!” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Eat, nap, watch football, repeat— Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Wishing you a Thanksgiving full of family, food, and a winning football team!”
  • “This Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks for football and food comas.” Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Touchdown! Time for turkey! Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids!
  • “Turkey and football—because some traditions never change!” Thanksgiving jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving without football is like turkey without gravy—it’s just not right!”

Random Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages

  • “This Thanksgiving, I’m thankful I’m not a turkey!” Thanksgiving jokes!
  • “Wishing you a day of gratitude, food, and zero food spills on your clothes!”
  • “Who needs presents when you have pie? Happy Thanksgiving jokes!!”
  • “May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude, turkey, and the occasional nap!”
  • “Thanksgiving: The one day where ‘too much food’ is not a thing.” Thanksgiving jokes!
  • “Warning: Thanksgiving may cause food comas, stretchy pants, and dessert overload.”
  • “May your turkey be golden, your gravy thick, and your pie delicious!” Thanksgiving jokes!
  • “Thanksgiving is great and all, but I’m really here for the nap afterwards.”
  • “Wishing you a Thanksgiving where the only thing stuffed is the turkey!” Thanksgiving jokes!
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be full of food, fun, and forgetting how much you ate!”

These 100+ funny Thanksgiving messages are perfect for adding humor to your holiday greetings, whether you’re sending texts to family or sharing them on social media!

These Thanksgiving jokes for kids are sure to keep the whole family laughing throughout the holiday!

Conclusion: A Feast of Laughter

Thanksgiving 2024 is a time to reflect, gather with loved ones, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life—especially humor. Whether you’re sharing these jokes at the dinner table, texting them to friends, or writing them in a holiday card, they are sure to bring some extra joy to the holiday.

Remember, Thanksgiving isn’t just about what’s on the table; it’s also about the laughter shared around it. So go ahead—carve out some time for jokes, and let the smiles and giggles flow as freely as the gravy! Happy Thanksgiving 2024!

We hope you liked the above awesome collection of Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, American Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes, Thanksgiving 2024 Jokes for Kids, and Thanksgiving jokes, please share on social media like Facebook Instagram, and Twitter, X to wish your friends and followers well.

Read More – Thanksgiving 2024 Canada Greetings

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