Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images

Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images

Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images: Finally, the most awaited festival Thanksgiving 2024 is almost here; Thanksgiving 2024 is just about to knock on the door and people are so excited to welcome the day.

Thanksgiving is a time of year for gratitude, family, and feasts! Every fourth Thursday in November in the United States, friends and families gather to kick off the festive season. But let’s be honest – the same old greetings can be a bit of a snooze fest.

The whole ambiance gives the vibes of festive mode and people are preparing for the day with more enthusiasm. When any eve like ‘Thanksgiving 2024’ approaches it usually brings out a chirpy and happy ambiance for whole people and this kind of gives hope for better days.

Although, this day is not just important for the people of the United States this day is prominent for other people too. In states like Germany, and Switzerland people love to welcome the same way dwellers of the United States do.

Blessings are life changers and it has changed many lives who believe in the power of blessing. However, the essence of this day started back in 1621 with the festival of three days. This day was celebrated as a thanksgiving for the grains they had after years.

With time, the courts and prime ministers of the United States realized the importance of this day. They made it a national holiday and started celebrating it but gradually dwellers of the United States started adopting it as a lifestyle. For those who made it their lifestyle, life became more blissful and more beautiful for those people.

This year, we’re spicing things up with something different. It’s not just about sharing the same old “happy Thanksgiving messages” with the family chat. We’re diving into the hilarious world of Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images free of cost.

Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images

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Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Wishes
  • It’s all fun and games until you have to unbutton your pants.”
  • “Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! — Kevin James
  • “Happy Thanksgiving. Don’t forget to set your scale back 10 pounds this week.”
  • “Happy Thanksgiving! Or as I like to call it: Cheat Day.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! — Hugh Jackman
  • “Happy Thanksgiving. Shot my first turkey today… Scared the crap out of everyone in the frozen food section, but whatever.”
  • “Happy Thanksgiving. May your turkey be moist and may no one use that word to describe it.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “Thanksgiving, the joy of trying to discreetly unbutton your pants under the table without anyone noticing.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “I’m thankful for the leftovers that will keep the feast going for days.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “My jeans keep telling me no more pie… but my legs are like, we got you!” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “Time to call your mom and ask how long it will take to roast the turkey.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “Let’s express gratitude for our prosperity while ravaging a beheaded fowl carcass.”
  • “Happy turkey day, bitches!” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “Thanksgiving, the day where we express tons of thanks and then go into a food coma.”
  • “I will eat lots of veggies over Thanksgiving… Pumpkin pie, zucchini cake, and more pumpkin pie.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “Be grateful all year long, not just on Thanksgiving. Reserve that day for pie.”
  • “My favorite Thanksgiving side dish is vodka.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “How much tequila goes into mashed potatoes again?”
  • “Wine and Xanax making Thanksgiving with family possible every year.”
Funny Quotes for Thanksgiving 2024
  • “You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! -Jay Leno
  • “The Thanksgiving tradition is, we overeat. ‘Hey, how about at Thanksgiving we just eat a lot?’ ‘But we do that every day!’ ‘Oh. What if we eat a lot with people that annoy us then?’” – Jim Gaffigan
  • “I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage”  – Erma Bombeck
  • “An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Anonymous
  • “Cooking tip: Wrap turkey leftovers in aluminum foil and throw them out” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Nicole Hollander
  • “Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence” – Erma Bombeck
  • “Vegetables are a must on Thanksgiving. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie” – Jim Davis
  • “This Thanksgiving, cherish the time spent with your family as a reminder of why you moved very far away from your family” – Anonymous
  • “Last Thanksgiving I shot my own turkey. It was fun. That shotgun going, BLAM! Everybody at the supermarket just staring. Why track them when I know where they are?” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Kenny Rogerson
  • “This Thanksgiving I hope you’re able to avoid the tragedy of the different foods on your plate touching one another” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Anonymous
  • “Happy Day after Thanksgiving! Hope you didn’t forget to set your scales back 10 pounds last night” – Anonymous
  • “Black Friday: because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Anonymous
  • “Toasted, roasted, baked and done! Hope your Thanksgiving is loads of fun” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Anonymous
  • “A new survey found that 80 percent of men claim they help cook Thanksgiving dinner. Which makes sense, when you hear them consider saying ‘that smells good’ to be helping.”  – Jimmy Fallon
  • “Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, one by one, as each relative goes home” – Melanie White
  • “For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Andy Borowitz
  • It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • “I suppose I will die never knowing what pumpkin pie tastes like when you have room for it” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images! – Robert Brault

Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images

Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images: So obviously this day is not an ordinary day but this day is the day when people learn a lot of things. All the carnivals across the world come with a lesson and teaching and those who have this habit of learning from everything.

They can surely extract good from fests like this and Thanksgiving is one of those. We are today living in this 2024 century modern world but this fest ad becomes part of our lives since the 17th century. Since then, how life is different must be in the mind of many. But answers can be given only by those who have worked on this thing and made their life better.

And this day is not just about sharing Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images or just about sending memes or wishes but it is more about sharing joy together. It is more about sending them blessings and it is more about making each other part of their lives.

I believe people just should not invite on this occasion but they should make each other part of their lives. They should make each other realize these festivals are not just festivals but it is more than that. It can be adopted as a lifestyle; the more people will share healthy conversations, the more they will be able to help each other to grow.

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Funny Thanksgiving Puns 2024
  • You think Thanksgiving dinner is done? You ain’t seen stuffing yet
  • Let’s give them pumpkin to talk about
  • Eat, drink, and cranberry.
  • I’m all about that baste.
  • Wham, yam, thank you ma’am.
  • Baste. Thanksgiving. Ever.
  • Thanksgiving has the tur-key to my heart.
  • The gravy boat has arrived. Calories disembarking.
  • Hey I just met you, and this is gravy, but here’s my stuffing, so carve me maybe.
  • Did you hear about the turkey prom? It was a Butterball. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What do you call a turkey that’s been in the sun for too long? A roasted turkey.
  • What’s the best way to keep a turkey in suspense? You’ll find out at Thanksgiving dinner!
  • When is turkey soup bad for your health? When you’re the turkey! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What’s blue and covered in feathers? A turkey holding its breath.
  • How does a turkey travel? By gravy train. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What did the leftover turkey say? “Make me a sandwich!” Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What’s the difference between a turkey and a chicken? Chickens celebrate Thanksgiving.
  • Fruit comes from a fruit tree, so where does turkey come from? A poul-tree.
  • Why do turkeys hate the kitchen on Thanksgiving? It smells fowl. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What do you call gossiping with a turkey at the table? A side dish.
  • Who didn’t have any friends at Friendsgiving? The turkey!
  • What do you get when you cross a turkey with a ghost? A poultrygeist!
  • What does the turkey think about holidays? They’re about family time, after that, it’s all gravy.
  • Why are turkeys good at rebelling? They love a coup. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why did the turkey run across the road? It was time for dinner.
  • What key won’t open a door? A turkey! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What sound does a limping turkey make? Wobble, wobble!
  • What do turkeys do on Sunday? Have a peck-nics. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why didn’t the turkey want dessert? He was stuffed!
  • Why do turkeys hate Thanksgiving tables? They’re a fowl sight.
  • What’s the best song to play while cooking a turkey? All About That Baste.
  • What do you call a turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What sound does a turkey’s phone make? Wing wing wing! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What was the turkey thankful for on Thanksgiving? Vegetarians.
  • Can a turkey jump higher than a house? Yes, because houses can’t jump!
  • Why do turkeys love rainy days? They love fowl weather. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why do turkeys gobble? Because they never learned table manners.
  • What’s a popular Thanksgiving dance? The turkey trot. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why do turkeys only star in R-rated movies? Because they use fowl language!
  • When do you serve rubber turkey? Pranksgiving! Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What do you call a running turkey? Fast food. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why did the turkey play the drums in his band? Because he already had drumsticks!
  • Why did the turkey cross the road? He wanted people to think he was a chicken.
  • What did the turkey say to the computer? Google, google. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving? The turkey, because he’s already stuffed!
  • If you call a large turkey a gobbler, what do you call a small one? A goblet.
Thanksgiving Food Jokes 2024
  • What do you say to the winner of the corn shucking contest? Corn-gratulations.
  • How many pastry chefs does it take to make a pie? 3.14. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why are Thanksgiving bread jokes always funny? Because they never get mold.
  • What did the mashed potatoes say to the sweet potatoes? I yam what I yam!
  • Why did the cornbread get in trouble? It wouldn’t stop loafing around. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What do you call a baker who only makes pies? The Pie-oneer Woman. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What did one pumpkin pie say to the other? “You wanna piece of me?” Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • Why should you never tell secrets in a cornfield? Because the corn has ears.
  • What did Dad say when he was asked to say grace? “Grace.” Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • How’d the Thanksgiving cheese plate go over? Everyone was grateful.
  • What do sweet potatoes wear to bed? Yammies. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What did the Thanksgiving turkey say to the Christmas ham? Nice to meat you.
  • Why don’t side dishes tell jokes? They’re too corny.
  • What do you call a sad cranberry? A blueberry. Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What do you need to make Thanksgiving s’mores? Pil-grahams.
  • Do you know where you can get turkey stock in bulk? The stock market.
  • What do you tell your jokester cousin on Thanksgiving? You’re on a casse-roll!
  • What did the president say when presented with a poorly cooked turkey? “Is it too late for a pardon?” Funny Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Images!
  • What does grandma say when you burn the holiday meal? Oh, good gravy! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • How did you find grandma’s turkey this year? I just looked next to the gravy.
  • Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • What side dish do you bring for Thanksgiving dinner when you accidentally sat on the sweet potatoes? Squash casserole. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Why should you never set the turkey next to the dessert? Because he will gobble, gobble it up! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • What is a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
  • Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • What role do green beans play in Thanksgiving dinner? The casse-role. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • How did the salt and pepper welcome all the guests? By saying, “Seasoning’s greetings!”
  • What vegetables would you like with your Thanksgiving dinner? Beets me! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Why did the policeman stop you on your way home last Thanksgiving? Because you far exceeded your feed limit. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Wishes for Everyone
  • Wishing you a Thanksgiving overflowing with peace, love and laughter.
  • Thank you for being my greatest blessing. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • We gather on this day to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, Happy Thanksgiving from the bottom of my heart to you.
  • Wishing you abundance, hope, peace and a festive holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving to you! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Thank you for being my hero and for teaching me how to be a better person. May you enjoy a joyous Thanksgiving! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health and good times. Happy Thanksgiving day!
  • May your blessings be multiplied this year and throughout all your life. Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • The gift of life is the best blessing of all. May you have a wonderful and meaningful Thanksgiving!
  • May the best things in life be yours, not only this Thanksgiving but throughout the years. Happy Thanksgiving from my heart to yours! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • May the Lord hear your prayers and bless you with an eternal joy. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Thank you for being my role model. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
Thanksgiving 2024 Messages for Family and Friends
  • This is a special day to count our blessings and all things that we are grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • Here’s to enjoying the company of good friends and family. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
  • I am thankful for you and everything that you do. Thank you! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • On this Thanksgiving day, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and health. Happy holidays!
  • Enjoy every moment of today and count all the blessings that you have. Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • May you enjoy the feast and the company of your family on Thanksgiving day. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • I wish you a happy and festive holiday with your love ones. May you have a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • Here’s to another year of giving thanks for all our blessings. Happy Thanksgiving wishes for everyone! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • May you have a home filled with laughter, freedom and love. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
  • Wishing you a picture perfect table with a positive mood on this holiday season. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • On this Thanksgiving day and every day I am grateful for you, and for all the things you’ve done for me.
  • Thank you for always being there, may you have a great Thanksgiving day. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers!
  • I’d like to express my thanks to you. You made my life colorful and feel brand new. May you have a joyous Thanksgiving!
  • I appreciate all the things you do more than you ever know. May you enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving!
  • May you enjoy this celebration with your family full of laughter and peace. Happy Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • Have a joyful Thanksgiving and a healthy, happy and prosperous year. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • I thank you for the unconditional love and unwavering support, I thank you for being you. Happy Thanksgiving my love!
  • You are strong, supportive, admirable, loving and understanding. Thank you for being my parents! Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • I may take you for granted, I may lash out at you but on this Thanksgiving day you deserve my everlasting gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad!
  • A heartfelt thanks to you on this day, for being my guide, my teacher and my father. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • I am truly grateful for you for being such an amazing woman. I am so lucky that you are my mother. Happy Thanksgiving Mom.
  • Thank you Mom for always making spectacular meals throughout the years! Thanksgiving won’t be the same without your special dishes. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • A heartfelt thank you and big hug for you, because I am so grateful to be your child. Happy Thanksgiving Mom and Dad!
  • Thank you Mom and Dad for giving me food, shelter and unconditional love. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • I am sending you hugs and kisses on this holiday. Thank you for being my friend in every way. Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Because today is a special day, I want to let you know that I appreciate you every single day. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • Warm thoughts and prayers for you, may you have a happy and peaceful year all the way through. Best wishes for Thanksgiving!
  • May you have a festive and abundant Thanksgiving meal. Happy holidays!

Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers

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So, this year we have come up with this new blog with specially featured free Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers along with Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images Wallpapers and Pictures wishes, quotes, etc.

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Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Quotes
  • When Thanksgiving rolls around, we’re often filled with gratitude and, of course, the tantalizing aroma of roasted turkey. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • But let’s not forget another essential ingredient of the holiday season: laughter!
  • While traditional cards offer touching sentiments, why not sprinkle in a dash of humor this year? Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • After all, they say laughter is the gravy to life’s mashed potatoes.
  • In this post, we’ll explore some funny messages to include in your Thanksgiving cards that will tickle the funny bones of your friends and family. Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • Whether you’re a jokester or just looking to bring a smile to someone’s face, these ideas are just the zest your holiday greetings need. Let’s dive in! Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages!
  • “I celebrated Thanksgiving the old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Messages! —Jon Stewart
  • “Thanksgiving is an emotional time. People travel thousands of miles to be with people they see only once a year. And then discover once a year is way too often.” —Johnny Carson
  • “I approximated the Black Friday experience at home by hurling myself into a wall a number of times and then ordering online.” —Kumail Nanjiani
  • “It’s like being at the kids’ table at Thanksgiving – you can put your elbows on it, you don’t have to talk politics… no matter how old I get, there’s always a part of me that’s sitting there.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – John Hughes
  • “Thanksgiving was nothing more than a pilgrim-created obstacle in the way of Christmas; a dead bird in the street that forced a brief detour.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Augusten Burroughs
  • “When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup.” – Sam Lefkowitz
  • “The Thanksgiving tradition is, we overeat. ‘Hey, how about at Thanksgiving we just eat a lot?’ ‘But we do that every day!’ ‘Oh. What if we eat a lot with people that annoy the hell out of us?” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! —Jim Gaffigan
  • “Thanksgiving—when the people who are the most thankful are the ones who didn’t have to cook.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Melanie White
  • “I got to go home for Thanksgiving and sit at the adults’ table. That’s ’cause, you know, somebody had to die for me to move up a plate.” —Andre Kelley
  • “Personally, I love Thanksgiving traditions: watching football, making pumpkin pie, and saying the magic phrase that sends your aunt storming out of the dining room to sit in her car.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Stephen Colbert
  • “Even though we’re a week and a half away from Thanksgiving, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! —Richard Roeper
  • “If you wish to make an apple pie truly from scratch you must first invent the universe.”—Carl Sagan
  • “Thanksgiving is a magical time of year when families across the country join together to raise America’s obesity statistics.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! —Stephen Colbert
  • “For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag.”—Andy Borowitz
Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes
  • “Archeologists 10,000 years from now will believe this was a sacred feast where gravy boats were worshipped.”—Just Bill
  • “But see, in our open clearings, how golden the melons lie; Enrich them with sweets and spices, and give us the pumpkin-pie!” – Margaret Junkin Preston
  • “Thanksgiving offers us an annual pause from the pace of life return to places we do not often visit and gather with people we do not often see.” – Jay Milbrandt
  • “I always think it’s funny when Indians celebrate Thanksgiving. I mean, sure, the Indians and Pilgrims were best friends during the first Thanksgiving, but a few years later, the Pilgrims were shooting Indians. So I’m never quite sure why we eat Turkey like everybody else.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Sherman Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
  • “I dropped the turkey after rubbing olive oil all over it. I rinsed it off, rubbed the oil on again, and cooked it. Didn’t tell anybody for 10 years… I just told them last year. Oh well, it didn’t kill anybody or make them sick!” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Debbie K. Jefferson
  • “The funny thing about Thanksgiving ,or any big meal, is that you spend 12 hours shopping for it then go home and cook, chop, braise and blanch. Then it’s gone in 20 minutes and everybody lies around sort of in a sugar coma and then it takes 4 hours to clean it up.” – Ted Allen
  • “I’m looking forward to seeing pie this Thanksgiving more than members of my own family.” Thanksgiving 2024 Funny Quotes! – Damien Fahey
  • “It’s not too much food. This is what we’ve been training for our whole lives. This is our destiny, this is our finest hour.” – Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
  • “Hope my relatives are getting along with the professional line sitter I hired to hold my place at the front of the Thanksgiving food line.” —John Lyon
  • “There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.” – O. Henry
  • “My fondest memories are generally the day after Thanksgiving. I get the total decorating Christmas itch.” – Katharine McPhee
  • “What we’re really talking about is a wonderful day when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving?” – Erma Bombeck
  • “Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings, one by one, as each relative goes home.” —Melanie White
  • “Thanksgiving dinners take 18 hours to prepare. They are consumed in 12 minutes. Half-times take 12 minutes. This is not a coincidence.” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images —Erma Bombeck
  • “I’m from Canada, so Thanksgiving to me is just Thursday with more food. And I’m thankful for that?” Funny Thanksgiving 2024 Images —Howie Mandel
  • “We’re having something different this year for Thanksgiving. Instead of a turkey, we’re having a swan. You get more stuffing.” —George Carlin
  • “Thanksgiving is America’s national chow-down feast, the one occasion each year when gluttony becomes a patriotic duty.”—Michael Dresser


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Read More- Thanksgiving 2024 Images

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